Sex and Body Image

Want to have sex with your man but don’t want him to see you naked? Do you keep your shirt or bra on during sex? Do you aways turn off the lights and push his hands away if they’re touching a “fat” area? Body image can be a major drag on your sex life.  Body image issues can be dealt with in several ways:

1. Talk to your SO about it. Putting your feelings on the table allows the two of you to talk through your feelings and, hopefully, find a way to work your way past them. It may be more of an issue for you than for your SO.

2. Do something about it. Don’t expect an overnight miracle. But you can start taking small steps towards feeling good about your body. Buy new clothes. Ditch dessert. Put on make up. Do some yoga. Take a brisk walk.  Buy a workout DVD. Take a long bath. Whatever little step you can take, do it.  You’ll feel better about yourself when you become proactive.

3. Consider counseling. If you’ve been tackling body image issues for a long time, it may be wise to seek counseling. There may be deep rooted issues that need to be worked out. Sweeping your issues under the rug just makes for a bigger pile to clean up in the end.  Take control. Get counseling. The benefits will extend beyond the bedroom.

4. Love yourself.  Love all of you.  Love yourself the way you’d want someone else to love you.

5. Let go.  Let it all go in the bedroom.  Allow yourself to be free of thought, worries, inhibitions, and anything else that is holding you back.  Create an atmosphere of “anything goes” and lose yourself in pleasure. This is a tough one, but give it a try 🙂

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